Yesterday we finished installing my exhibition of works from the project ‘Untitled (22 Walks Through Leeds at f22)’ at Trinity Church for part of my Arts @ Trinity residency.
Untitled (22 Walks Through Leeds at f22) is a project that describes 22 walks through the city of Leeds taken at different times. By using a small lens aperture of f22, the amount of light entering the camera is reduced. This means that the camera’s shutter remains open for longer and allows the creation of more expressive and abstract images that collectively represent each walk.
As April’s artist in residence for Arts @ Trinity I will be exhibiting and continuing to develop this Leeds-based photo walk project.
With the first eleven walks already completed and exhibited, I will use this time to finish the remaining eleven walks. These final walks will be routes suggested by members of the public.
As part of this event, and in association with Walking Photographer Tours, I will be running a photo walk workshop on abstract photography around Leeds on Thursday 10th April. To reserve your place on the workshop or for more information please email .
People can still suggest their own walks for the Leeds 22 project either at the exhibition or by visiting