Reading Time: 2 minutes

Woods, wooded area, sunlight, rombalds moor

I had wanted to give a more detailed account of our walk on Rombald’s Moor. Though I envisage sighs of relief from friends and family as they read this opening line; I had hoped to give a more, or moor (that one’s for CB!) descriptive account of the walk that started in Riddleston, that took us past lambs just hours old, of the beams of light that pierced through the densely wooded… err.. wood, as well as the astonishing aerial display from several lapwings as they tried to divert a red kite (the bird of prey) away from their nesting area. I even wanted depict the delights had from the pint of Black Moor, brewed by Goose Eye brewery in nearby Keighley which was supped in the Crown Inn, Addingham and wasn’t bad!

Alas though, I’m off to Skye in a couple of days and do not have time to spend on such a whim! However, I imagine after 8 days wandering round the famously scenic Isle, there will be no end to the drivel making it’s way onto this site; so remember this gift of briefness when you wade through the swamp of waffle in the forthcoming posts!

And here are the Pics….

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