Released curlew with rings and GPS tag. Curlew GPS tagging in the Yorkshire Dales.

GPS Tagging Curlews in the Yorkshire Dales

Back in April, I was privileged to join British Trust of Ornithology (BTO) researchers in the Yorkshire Dales as they fitted a select number of curlews with GPS tags.Read more

The Jubilee Before the Coronation

A lot can change in a year, and transitions don't get much more high profile than the succession of the crown. Read more

Urban fox in suburban garden with christmas lights

Christmas Eve in Chessington

It’s Christmas Eve 2022, and I’m at my parents house in Chessington, where London suburbs unfurl into the Surrey borders. As the festive evening draws in, a childish excitement flushes through me. 

Familiar naive questions drift to the forefront of my brain. Will he visit me tonight? Can I stay awake long enough to witness his arrival? And have I been good enough to be rewarded with what I want?

As Christmas Eve turns into Christmas Day, the anticipation of checking my camera is reminiscent of getting the photos back from a roll of film sent off to the lab. 

Did it work? Were the settings right? Yes! The magical creature, so embedded into my childhood did visit, and left me with a festive encounter, I’ll long remember.

Urban fox in suburban garden with christmas lights

Red Squirrel, Hawes, Yorkshire Dales

Red Squirrels of The Yorkshire Dales, A Tonic to the Ears

I've been blessed and cursed with an over active imagination from the moment my eyes began interpreting their immediate and wider surroundings.Read more

Dog portrait on the beach, Saltburn, Yorkshire coast, Lurcher

Happy Adoption Day Alfie!

? Happy adoption day Alfie! 9 years and not a day has gone by where you haven't melted our hearts (or attempted to raid our bins!)

Read more

Queen Elizabeth Lying in State Westminster Abbey on TV living room, Yorkshire

On the Death of the Queen

Queen Elizabeth Lying in State Westminster Abbey on TV living room, Yorkshire

I’ve always felt photography has this inimitable ability to mark both global and personal moments of significance. To lay down markers in our own and shared histories. To reflect “how it was” for us. The pictures shared today and this week, will be well planned and rehearsed. As a photographer, at such magnetic moments like this, it can be tempting to feel that if you’re not at the centre of it, you’re missing it. That ‘fear of missing out’ can be quite a crippling emotion. But as time passes and the “iconic” imagery loses its impact, it is the photos from outside of that centre that become more interesting. That become essential to telling the whole story.

Arne beach, Poole Harbour, Dorset

Non Je Ne ‘Egret’ Rien, My 40th at Arne

I’m not sure anyone can live a full life without having one or two small regrets, but I certainly hope that the number of regrets I encounter in my life never reach the number of egrets that frequent Arne in Dorset. Read more

Young sika deer (Cervus nippon) at RSPB Arne, Dorset

They Sika Here, They Sika There - My 40th at Arne

You don’t reach 40 years on planet earth everyday. So having completed 4 decades just about intact and with two offspring who will no-doubt be running circles around me very soon, I decided to take a leaf out of my dear sister’s book and stretch the celebrations out over several months! Read more

Pair of Curlew on development site

Shadow Over Sun Lane

Roe Deer young family, Sun Lane
“What will the generation after you blame you for then, I wonder?!” My Dad fires out across the dinner table, in an attempt to turn defence into offence during  an almost customary battle of words. Read more

Colossus Hummingbird (Gigas Numenius) Spotted Over Sun Lane Development Plot

Colossus Hummingbird (Gigas Numenius) Spotted Over Sun Lane Development Plot

On the 1st of April 2022 reports of a fictus avian named the Colussus Humming Bird (Gigas Numenius) caused twitchers from across the UK to descend en masse to Burley in Wharfedale, West Yorkshire. Read more