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Gannet taking off at sea


What’s better than looking down on thousands of nesting sea birds? Looking up at them!


Last year I had a spectacular weekend at Bempton Cliffs when I took a tour with Yorkshire Coast Nature.


To say Bempton is a special place would be like saying Stilton cheese has a special taste; while both statements are true, the reality is that Bempton Cliffs and Stilton will knock your socks off with their incomparable awesomeness!


The cliffs here are home to over 250,000 seabirds during the nesting season (April to August). It also boasts England’s largest mainland Gannet Colony. As well as the tons of gannets, I got to see my first real-life Puffin! Guillemot, Razorbill and Kittiwake were also out in force. We even saw several of the red-listed Velvet Scoters while out on the water.


For me though, that weekend I lost my heart to the Fulmar. These stunning seabirds are related to Albatross and have a tube on the top of their beak to fire an oily substance at enemies with.


There is so much to see and photograph at Bempton Cliffs. I just couldn’t go another year without going back, so this year I’ve scheduled a Photo Walk Social there! Next weekend I’ll be leading a Walking Photographer Social at this extraordinary Yorkshire coastline and I can’t wait to share these exciting sights with my fellow photo walkers!


