magnum° – published by Phaidon
Be warned; all who enter this photo book will weep tears of both joy and sorrow.
You will laugh at the wit, admire the beauty, despair at the horror, jump back with shock and dive-in with optimism. This book is a collation of every emotion that could be experienced from looking at a photo. Some photos you will want to look at again and again, some photos you will want to forget. But all the photos are unforgettable.
magnum° was one of the first “real” photo books I ever bought. I was 16/17 and I’d bought the odd “how to” photography book and the necessary text books for my National Diploma in photography but this was different. This book would change my world and send me on a lifelong journey in search of what a photograph really was, is and could be.
Having visited the works in this weighty book at the exhibition in the Barbican, I already knew the powerful imagery contained within its contemporary and almost naive cover. Nearly twenty years later and this book still has the power to thrill, shock, repulse and inspire. I will never tire of looking through this book.
Those interested in buying this book can do so in paperback direct from Phaidon