Want to see what 526 Lapwings and 89 Starlings Look Like?

Do you know what 615 birds flying in the air looks like? Well I didn’t, or at least I wasn’t sure. That was until I saw, photographed and counted them. 

It happened a couple of weeks ago. A chance glance out of the studio window and there they were, swarming in the distance, five hundred and twenty six lapwings and eighty nine starlings. Read more

Two swifts (Apus apus) soaring in a stormy spring sky, Burley in Wharfedale.

The Birds From Hell, A Most Welcome Return!

It's been a largely grey and wet day here in Burley. Miserable some might say, and many would agree. Yet, among the gloominess, my cheeks have that painful glow you get when you blow up too many balloons. Pain not from blowing out too much hot air though, but from smiling. Smiling at my first sight of this year's Swifts! Read more

Swan family with cygnet on the river wharfe

A Swan Summer: No broken arms, just a broken heart

A first-hand account of a British summer spent in the company of a stunning and iconic swan family. Read more

Male Kestrel lunching into flight

Wind Surfing Kestrel

Standgale, Windhover, Windsprite, Windcuffer, Windfucker. Or "Kestrel" as I would proudly exclaim as a child in the back of my parent's car. "Kestrel!" every time that iconic hovering silhouette appeared above the skyline, my enthusiasm never and still hasn't waned.Read more

Waxwings at Wetherby Whaler

I have a love-hate relationship with Waxwings. I love the bird, their intricate, vibrant colours, their heavy eighties eye shadow & punk hair-do. I hate that whenever you try to see them you invariably end up looking like a tool, hanging around with a camera and/or binoculars in a supermarket car park or train station! Read more

Barn Owl in flight in the late afternoon sun daytime

Burley's Barn Owl & Updates from the Yard...

Yesterday was Valentine's day and the hottest one for over 20 years. Today was equally warm as the sun shone on over 15,000 inspiring school children who went on strike in order to campaign for action on climate change. Amazing!

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Shades of Grey (Partridge)

Most birds and animals with the title Grey preceding them have a genuine cause for protest. As fashionable as the colour seems to be on the high street; in the wild a "grey... <<insert name here>>" sighting rarely conjures the excitement and enthusiasm it deserves. Read more

Train window moving train

Observations Leeds to London Kings Cross

22nd April 2018, 18.16, (Facing East)

Corner Flag (yellow)
Magpies  7
Wood pigeon 130 Read more