The last couple of weeks have been real scorchers. It seems the weather is making up for the summer we missed last year! All this sunshine has brought out the best of Burley in Wharfedale’s flora. This abundance of plant life is great news for Wharfedale’s wildlife scene.
Since this bloom I have noticed a variety of bees and butterflies. I’m not well read enough to tell you what types of bees I’ve been seeing but I am observant enough to notice there’s a real variety out there! The butterfly species that have hung about long enough to identify include:
Orange Tip
Large White
Green-viened White
It’s been a tough couple of years for butterflies but hopefully this summer can help revive numbers. People can help assess the butterfly number by taking part in the big butterfly count.
I’ve also noticed that dragon and damsel flies are starting to make an appearance by The Goit and Coldstone Beck. Really looking forward to trying to capture (on camera) some dragon flies, I love a challenge!
Here’s some photos of Burley in bloom…
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